Saturday, November 04, 2006

...............RED STATE BLUE STATE.........

On November 7, I will cast my vote in Pennsylvania for our new Senator, Robert Casey, Jr. Here are three reasons for my vote:

1) an entirely personal reason: Robert Casey, Jr, taught at Gesu School as a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in the early eighties after his graduation from Holy Cross College.

2) Senator Santorum is running on a platform reacting to what he calls Islamofascism, especially how it manifests itself in Iran. Santorum’s tactic to answer Iran seems limited to such things as nuclear bunker-busting bombs. His speeches on the matter are imprudent. He clearly represents a certain point of view but such a limited view will prevent him from making sound judgments.

3) I am annoyed at the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Coalition which questions on the weakest of grounds Robert Casey’s commitment to life issues. Santorum wants to jettison the possibility in the Senate of the practice of the filibuster; Casey does not and may, therefore, prevent an up or down vote on a Supreme Court nominee. Casey knows that what goes around comes around and the filibuster can help life issues as well as hurt them.

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