Thursday, December 24, 2015
Merry Christmas!
I wait each year for my sister Mary's always-original and creative card. This year a bird tilts its head and looks curiously through a window. Its eyes focus on some seasonal scene made visible by the lighted candle. This image invites us to contemplate the mystery of this season in which God reveals the divine self.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
"Mister, it's Christmas"
Some years ago just a few
days before Christmas I was doing the grocery shopping for my small Jesuit
community. I went to my accustomed supermarket at an Aramingo Ave shopping center. The Avenue serves the needs of the working
class neighborhoods in the River Wards of Philadelphia.
came out of the store with my cart filled with grocery bags and had the cart
pulled up close to the trunk of my car.
A boy of about thirteen instantly appeared offering to help me put the
bags in the trunk. Between my usual
preoccupation and thinking to myself that this was just too easy a task, I
brushed him off. I needed no help.
The boy looked at me convinced that I had violated
the basic spirit of the season and he said with an incredulous tone in his
voice, “Mister, it’s Christmas.” Having considered the possibilities of being respectful
of my ignorance, he left out the understood “what the hell is the matter with
you?” Of course, he had me and I let him
take care of the bags. I gave him a
couple of bucks convinced that he had used with great success that same line,
that same innocent-kid tone, all afternoon and evening. He probably owns the shopping center by now.
For my part in this season I try to remember this boy's line whenever I am feeling less than merry. I also remember the joy of my own mom and dad on December 24, 193x, the very day they brought their first baby for the first time back from the hospital of her birth ten days before.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
The Visitation, the Fourth Sunday of Advent
This image of the Visitation created by Brother Mickey McGrath, OSFS, Bee Still Studio.
A picture is worth a thousand words. The Visitation of these two pregnant women,
Mary and Elizabeth, is a favorite topic for religious artists throughout the
Renaissance and even down to our own time.
You can find on the Internet a variety of Visitation images,
a few where the artist took the liberty of depicting some kind of x-ray imaging
of the mothers’ wombs. Clearly pictured the wombs contain the boys
almost as if they are ready to play with one another. Elizabeth’s boy should be leaping for joy; one
image, however, has him bowing across the stomachs in adoration to his
yet-to-be-born kin and Lord.
Brother Mickey McGrath, Oblate of Saint Francis de Sales, has
a wonderful painting he calls the Windsock Visitation. He depicts two African women in full colorful
dress, one older and one younger, as appropriate, joyfully greeting one another. He often includes a text in his paintings and
the margin of this painting includes the words “This is the place of our
delight and rest.”
The McGrath image has a subtle treatment of the x-ray
motif. He agrees with the concept that these holy pregnancies require more than the usual
rounded stomach and overlays some colored spirals of cloth that come together
as the women embrace one another.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Micah 6:8
Here is another item that hangs on my wall. My sister, Mary, crafted this lovely needlework and gave it to me years ago.
I want her to know that I still have it hanging in my room!
I also have a collection of her Christmas cards. She produces an original each year. Part of Advent each year is waiting to see what her talent will produce. Just six more mail deliveries!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Venus has been with us as the morning star for months and now in the weeks of Advent before Christmas, the planet is a symbol of those who prepared the way of the Lord, especially John the Baptist. The Morning Star title also refers to the Blessed Mother.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Jesuit Center in Wernersville
Advent and Christmas, 2015 and the New Year of 2016
Dear Friend of the Jesuit Center,
I write at the beginning of this winter season consoled by
the first born of all creation, the Lord Jesus who shares the dignity of
humanity with all of us. This season
offers us challenges to health and to travel but also the pleasure of holiday
gatherings of family and friends. Here
at the Jesuit Center we traditionally honor the Advent season with a staff
party and with a music celebration organized by a member of our Spiritual
Center staff, David Gross. There are sacred
music events also in the local churches of our ecumenical organization.
Through Advent our Jesuit Center meeting rooms host men and
women of all ages from high school to senior citizen practically every day,
some for overnight retreats and training programs, some for single-day
events. I often hear general reports from
retreat leaders about the meaningful quality of prayer and private
conversations. This fills me with confidence that God’s
Spirit is leading our visitors to growth in peace, joy, justice and the works
of charity. We might be isolated from
some of the chaos in this world. But the
quiet here prepares us for the commitment that we need to reach out to the
stranger and to search with the stranger for the common source of our different
We eighteen Jesuits on site fulfill sacramental duties here
and also in nearby parishes and institutions.
Early in December, as part of his one-on-one Advent conversation, one young
and joyful fourth grader told me, in response to a question about his prayer,
that he prays on Sunday. “What about the other days of the week?” I
asked. “On Sunday,” he told me, “I
thank God for the whole week.” I
encouraged him to a daily practice of prayer well aware that God was watching
over him every hour. This innocent boy
might be able to get through a week without prayer; for most of us elders such
a practice would make us hard to live with!
Another good daily practice for many of us here at the Center:
an outdoor walk or light jog. The outdoor
setting here reminds me of the setting of St. Ignatius’s birthplace at Loyola
in Spain. As a youth he enjoyed the
fresh mountain air of the Basque country, its hills and streams and foot paths,
in the present day all very much like those in and around Wernersville. Later
in this environment Ignatius recovered from his battle wound and came to know
God’s call. He was during this time unable
to hike through the nearby hills or along the stream that flowed by his home
but he prayed by looking out the window of his sick room and across the valley
to the site of a Marian shrine, Our Lady of Olatz. Our own Jesuit Center windows open to
similar views of a valley and hills and even a Marian grotto. Come and see. Take a walk or simply look out a window.
Happy Leap Year, 2016! An extra day, February 29, 2016, a Monday,
too! A perfect day for us to join in a
weekday prayer with that lad mentioned above!
George W. Bur, S.J.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe
On his aerial image of the city of Tucson, Arizona, the artist Dennis McNally, S.J. superimposed digital images of Our Lady of Guadalupe at many sites, just as she is revered in every space in the Mexican community.
Our Lady of
Guadalupe December 2015
……From her first appearance to Juan
Diego the Mother of Jesus as Our Lady of Guadalupe gave confidence to the Mexican
peasant that their lives of difficulty were worth something. She blessed their culture by accompanying her
appearance to Juan Diego with signs well-known in his culture of song and
Many of us, of course, are blessed
with women who have taken on Our Lady’s roles in our lives and in the lives of
many we know. The list is long in my
middle-class upbringing and in my Jesuit life….. Let me suggest that, absent her direct appearance
to us, the presence of these women in our lives can be seen as a gift from Our
Lady under her many titles.
Many of our own mothers, or grandmothers taught us our
prayers and told us about the saints.
They stand in for Our Mother of Good Counsel.
I know a
working woman in North Phila whose husband died suddenly in awkward
circumstances having abandoned her and her family a few years before his death.
She made sure that her Catholic husband
had a proper Catholic burial. She stands
in for Our Mother of Mercy.
How about the mother who watched her daughter descend
into drug addiction and homelessness.
She fed her daughter a good meal whenever she showed her face and even
took care of her several children.
Slowly with help she cajoled and prayed her daughter back into being
clean of drugs. She stands in for Our
Lady, Untier of Knots.
And the women who take care of parents or children
with severe health issues. One I know
did this for her son for 20 years and shed tears of sorrowful relief at his
death, tears mixed with a joy that she could be with him over the years until
his time finally came. She and so many
others stand in for Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
And how about the women in our parishes who take care
of organizing the food for parish celebrations and for funeral repasts. They stand in for Our Lady of the Feast at Cana.
For farmworkers and for immigrants from the South, Our
Lady of Guadalupe herself shines on them as the Mirror of Justice.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is all of
these women and many more.
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