Thursday, October 22, 2015

Jesuit Center Sky October 22 at about 7:10 AM

The morning stars this month and last have been brilliant.    Here is the bright Venus with Jupiter beneath her.

 From Marylynne Robinson's "Housekeeping"

(Teenage sisters, Lucille and Ruthie, have unexpectedly spent over night on the shore of the lake near Fingerbone.  Ruthie narrates.)

"When the light began to come Lucille began to walk toward Fingerbone.  She did not speak to me or look back.  The absolute black of the sky dulled and dimmed and blanched slowly away, and finally half a dozen daubs of cloud, dull powder pink, sailed high in the pale-green sky, rust-red at the horizon.  Venus shone a heatless planetary white among these parrot colors, and earth lay unregenerate so long that it seemed to me for once all these blandishments might fail.  The birds of our world were black motes in that tropic."

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