Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The joys of democracy: my vote against Trumpism

I cast my vote for John Kasich in today's Pennsylvania Republican primary.   I did not need the testimony published months ago by a group of conservative Catholic leaders who labeled Donald Trump as "manifestly unfit to be president".  They criticized him on a host of issues some dear to conservatives and others dear to those like the Pope who, as he said, can understand fences but not without bridges.   But I had already made up my mind. I purposely voted against Trump and attempted to choose 6th District Delegates to the Convention who pledged not to vote for Trump on the first ballot.  (This delegate system is a confusing element of the Pennsylvania Republican primary process!)

Without doubt Trump will win the majority of the delegates in Pennsylvania.  This number will probably contribute to a first ballot victory at the convention.   Could it then happen that the many Republicans who have openly used such phrases for Trump as "manifestly unfit to be president" turn around and support him?

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